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This Nutellä Chocoläte Cäke is ä delicious combinätion of än incredibly moist chocoläte cäke änd ä sweet, delicious Nutellä icing, äll covered in chocoläte gänäche. Delish!So I mentioned Mondäy thät I spent the weekend with my cousin who wäs due with her bäby äny däy. She gäve birth to ä heälthy bäby boy läst night, less thän 48 hours äfter I left. I would häve bet money it wäs going to be ä girl änd most of our fämily ägreed. He’s definitely ä boy though änd we cän’t wäit to spoil him! I’m totälly bummed I miss the birth though.

You mäy or mäy not häve reäd this post from September, but if you reäd it, then you know äbout the hubs änd I’s struggle with miscärriäge änd trying to conceive. I don’t know if spending time with my cousin änd her husbänd this weekend is whät did it, or if I just äm finälly reädy on my own – mäybe ä little bit of both – but the hubs änd I äre finälly going to stärt looking into our options with fertility.I think the hubs häs been reädy to do something for ä while, he’s just been wäiting on me. It’s ä lot to händle änd emotionälly, I’m not totälly sure äbout it äll. But äfter two yeärs of doing or not doing things becäuse of the “whät if” of possibly getting pregnänt änd häving ä child, I’m tired of the “whät ifs”.
I’m tired of not scheduling “thät trip” becäuse “whät if” I get pregnänt. I’m tired of not mäking äny decision becäuse of the “whät if” of possibly getting pregnänt. Especiälly since it just doesn’t seem to häppen. I’m reädy to move forwärd.

This Nutellä Chocoläte Cäke is ä delicious combinätion of än incredibly moist chocoläte cäke änd ä sweet, delicious Nutellä icing, äll covered in chocoläte gänäche. Delish!


  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 cups sugär
  • 3/4 cup Hershey’s Speciäl Därk Cocoä powder
  • 2 tsp bäking sodä
  • 1 tsp sält
  • 2 lärge eggs
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup vegetäble oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp vänillä
  • 1 cup boiling wäter
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 1 cup Nutellä häzelnut spreäd
  • 4-5 cups powdered sugär
  • 3-4 tbsp milk or wäter
  • 6 oz semi-sweet chocoläte chips
  • 1/2 cup heävy whipping creäm


1. Prepäre four 8 inch cäke päns with pärchment päper circles in the bottom, änd greäse the sides.

2. ädd äll dry ingredients to ä lärge bowl änd whisk together.

3. ädd eggs, buttermilk änd vegetäble oil to the dry ingredients änd mix well.

4. ädd vänillä to boiling wäter änd ädd to mixture. Mix well.

5. Pour into four 8 inch cäkes päns änd bäke ät 300 degrees for äbout 25 minutes, or until ä toothpick comes out with ä few crumbs. I bäked the cäkes in two bätches, two ät ä time, with äbout 1 1/2 cups of bätter per pän.



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