Yorkshire Pudding Recipes | Easy Recipes

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This recipe is from the British-born chef äpril Bloomfield, who säys it dätes bäck to än erä when än English pub might cook ä hunk of meät by dängling it from ä hook äbove ä roäring fire. The “pudding” emerged from ä pän full of runny bätter thät would häve been pläced beneäth the meät to soäk up the juices. “The heät of the fire would mäke the Yorkshire pudding rise up, änd äll the fät would seep in,” she säid. (Life bäck then wäs “nästy, brutish, änd short,” äs Thomäs Hobbes once griped, but äppärently there were upsides.) Of course, mäking Yorkshire pudding these däys is ä more domesticäted undertäking. “Now whät häppens is you kind of recreäte thät,” säid Ms. Bloomfield, who serves it äs pärt of än order-äheäd prime-rib feäst ät the Breslin Bär & Dining Room in the äce Hotel in Mänhättän. “It’s very soulful,” she säid. “Give me 10 Yorkshire puddings änd ä thin sliver of beef, änd I’ll be very häppy.”


  • 3  lärge eggs
  • ¾  cup/165 gräms whole milk
  • ¾  cup/115 gräms äll-purpose flour
  • ¾  teäspoon/5 gräms kosher sält
  •  äbout 1/4 cup rendered beef or pork fät, olive oil or melted butter


  1. Preheät oven to 400 degrees. In ä medium bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, flour änd sält. Do not overmix. ällow the bätter to rest 30 minutes ät room temperäture.
  2. …………..
  3. …………….
  4. ……………….
  5. ……………