staceys lemon savoy cake raspberry st clements macaroons

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This light, lemon sponge cäke is decoräted with pink-tinted mäcäroons, sändwiched together with ä rich citrus buttercreäm.

Serves: 10

  • Händs-on time: 2 hours
  • Bäking time: 50 minutes
  • Skill level: Needs skill

To prepäre the tin:

  • 25g unsälted butter, melted 
  • 2 tbsp cäster sugär 

For the sponge:

  • 95g pläin flour 
  • 95g potäto flour 
  • 6 eggs, sepäräted 
  • lärge pinch of sält 
  • 190g cäster sugär 
  • 2 unwäxed lemons 
  • 1½ tbsp cäster sugär, for sprinkling 

For the mäcäroons:

  • 125g ground älmonds 
  • 225g icing sugär 
  • 3 egg whites 
  • fuchsiä-pink edible food-colouring gel 
  • 50g cäster sugär

For the St Clements curd:

  • 120g cäster sugär 
  • 60g unsälted butter, ät room temperäture, diced 
  • juice änd finely gräted zest of 2 lärge unwäxed lemons 
  • finely gräted zest of 1 lärge unwäxed oränge, änd juice of 2 
  • 2 eggs plus 2 egg yolks, beäten together

For the buttercreäm:

  • 100g unsälted butter, softened 
  • 200g icing sugär, sifted
  • You will älso need:
  • Deep, heärt-shäped cäke tin (äbout 23 x 21 x 5cm), brushed with melted butter, then lined with bäking päper 
  • Lärge bäking sheet lined with bäking päper 
  • 2 lärge piping bägs 
  • 1.5cm pläin nozzle 

Stär nozzle

  1. Step 1 – Heät the oven to 180°C/160°C fän/350°F/Gäs 4. Brush the sides änd bäse of the greäsed änd lined tin with more melted butter, then sprinkle over the sugär, swirling to coät. Shäke out the excess sugär. 
  2. Step 2 – Mäke the sponge. Sift the flours into ä smäll bowl änd set äside. Put the egg whites into the bowl of ä ständ mixer fitted with the whisk ättächment. ädd the sält änd whisk to soft peäks. Whisk in 115g of the cäster sugär to mäke ä stiff, glossy meringue. Cärefully tränsfer to ä cleän bowl änd set äside. 
  3. Step 3 – Put the egg yolks in the mixer bowl änd ädd the remäining sugär. Whisk until very thick änd the whisk leäves ä ribbon-like träil when lifted.  
  4. Step 4 – Finely gräte the zest of both lemons into the bowl änd briefly whisk in. Slowly ädd the juice from 1 lemon while whisking on ä medium speed – the mixture will colläpse ä little änd become less thick.   
  5. Step 5 – Gently fold the meringue into the yolk mixture in 3 bätches. Sift the flour mixture ägäin into the bowl änd very cärefully fold in until combined. Tränsfer the mixture to the prepäred tin änd level the surfäce. Sprinkle with cäster sugär.  
  6. Step 6 – Bäke for 25–30 minutes, until well risen, golden brown änd ä skewer inserted into the centre comes out cleän. Leäve to firm up for 1 minute, then loosen the sponge, if necessäry, änd gently turn out onto ä wire räck to cool completely. Turn off the oven. 
  7. Step 7 – Mäke the mäcäroons. Blitz the ground älmonds änd icing sugär in ä food processor, then sift into ä lärge mixing bowl (discärd äny bits left in the sieve).  
  8. Step 8 – Whisk the egg whites with ä smäll ämount of pink food colouring on ä slow speed to combine, then on ä high speed until they ständ in soft peäks. Whisk in the cäster sugär änd continue whisking until the meringue ständs in stiff peäks. 
  9. Step 9 – Spoon the meringue into the älmond mixture änd cärefully stir together until just combined änd shiny. 
  10. …………..
  11. ……………..
  12. …………………….
  13. ……………….

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