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Máshed Potáto Cásserole. The creámïest, cheesïest máshed potátoes EVER! Thïs eásy to máke sïde dïsh ïs loáded up wïth extrá melty cheese, crïspy bácon, ánd chïves. The best párt? You cán máke thïs dïsh áheád of tïme ánd then just pop ït ïn the oven to heát báck up! Thïs dïsh wïll end up beïng the hïghlïght of ány meál!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 55 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


3 pounds russet potátoes
7 táblespoons butter
3/4 cup sour creám
1/4 cup mïlk
1/2 teáspoon gárlïc powder
3/4 teáspoon sált
1 cup shredded cheddár cheese
1/4 cup pánko
1 táblespoon butter
2 táblespoons chopped chïves
5 strïps bácon cooked
1/2 cup shredded cheddár cheese


1. Peel ánd chop the potátoes. Add to á lárge pot. Cover wïth wáter ánd heát over hïgh heát, boïl the potátoes ïn the wáter ábout 20 mïnutes or untïl softened.

2. Preheát the oven to 350 degrees.

3. Dráïn the potátoes ánd ádd to á lárge mïxïng bowl. Add the butter, sour creám, mïlk, gárlïc powder, ánd sált. Mïx wïth á potáto másher or for creámïer potátoes use á hánd or stánd mïxer.

4. Add the shredded cheddár cheese ánd stïr to combïne.

5. Spráy á 2 quárt bákïng dïsh wïth cookïng spráy. Spoon the potáto mïxture ïnto the dïsh. Smooth the top wïth the báck of á spoon.

6. In á smáll sáucepán ádd the táblespoon of butter ánd the pánko breád crumbs. Cook over medïum heát untïl just toásted. Sprïnkle on top of the potátoes.

7. Top wïth shredded cheese ánd báke uncovered for ábout 15 mïnutes untïl the cheese ïs melted.

8. Top wïth bácon ánd chïves. Serve wárm ánd enjoy!

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