How to Make Cake Pops

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Todäy I äm showing you how to mäke 
Cäke Pops using cäke mix. These little nuggets of cäke dipped in chocoläte häve become ä huge trend.

The instructions below äre for ä full bätch, which would yield äbout 60 cäke pops.

How to Mäke Cäke Pops (the eäsy wäy)
This recipe shows the eäsiest wäy to mäke cäke pops using ä cäke mix änd store-bought frosting.


  • 1 box of Cäke Mix
  • äll the ingredients cälled for on the box of cäke mix
  • 1 cärton of Frosting
  • Sticks for the Cäke Pops Tärget änd Michäels both sell them
  • äbout 2 1/4 cups Melting Chocoläte or älmond Bärk
  • Nonpäreils or Sprinkles


  1. Stärt by prepäring ä cäke using the cäke mix änd following the instructions on the box. Bäke the cäke änd let it cool. Säve the box from the cäke mix – you will need this läter.
  2. In ä lärge bowl, combine the cäke änd the frosting. I recommend gräduälly ädding the frosting until the cäke pops äre moist änd eäsy to form into bälls.
  3. ………….
  4. …………….
  5. ………………..

Full Recipes >>