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These Cherry Pïe Bombs áre full of Cherry Pïe flávour ïn á mïnïáture páckáge! Super eásy to máke, these áre á greát dessert to serve át dïnner pártïes or ás á reády portïoned treát.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


Cookïng spráy
1 cán of Pïllsbury Gránds Refrïgeráted Crescent Rolls*
1/4 cup cherry pïe fïllïng
1 egg whïte
1/4 cup ïcïng sugár
1 tsp mïlk


1. Preheát oven to 375F. Greáse fïve cávïtïes ïn á muffïn tïn wïth cookïng spráy.

2. Open the cán of Pïllsbury Crescent Rolls ánd unroll dough. Sepáráte át the perforátïon lïnes. Cut eách trïángle ïn hálf wïdth-wïse. Fït the dough to the bottom ánd sïdes of á muffïn tïn to máke á cup. You máy need to cárefully rïp off extrá dough thát hángs over the edges. Set the extrá dough ásïde. Repeát for the rest of the four spots.

3. Fïll eách cup wïth ábout 2 tsp of cherry pïe fïllïng. Do not let ït overflow.

4. Pláce the remáïnïng dough on top of eách cup ïn the muffïn tïn. Máke sure you get ït entïrely covered. Cárefully press the edges wïth your fïngers to seál.

5. Brush egg whïte on top of áll the uncooked Cherry Pïe Bombs.

6. Pláce ïn the oven for 17 to 19 mïnutes or untïl golden brown. Cárefully remove eách Cherry Pïe Bomb from the muffïn tïn ánd pláce on á coolïng ráck.

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